วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Safely Remove Asbestos Floor Tiles

Asbestos! There is a strong fire-resistant fiber that has been widely used in the past for fire protection and thermal insulation purposes. The problem is that has this small, vibrant fibers, which can be easily inhaled or swallowed by humans. These harmful particles have been shown a number of very serious diseases, including asbestosis, lead (which is a chronic disease of the lungs, which makes breathing extremely difficult), and cancer. Therefore, it is no wonder why people areconcerned if the removal of asbestos tiles from older buildings.

Vinyl floor tiles contain asbestos (vinyl, asbestos tile - VAT) and should be with extreme caution when removing to be treated. The first rule is to ensure the material is non-friable state. Asbestos is not as fragile, if not the material is reduced to powder by hand pressure. Non-friable asbestos can become brittle would damage the tile (s) or destroyed, thecould mean these harmful fibers can be released.

Removing these tiles is no easy picnic. First, you need protective equipment such as breathing and eye, which is in heavy breathing and poorer vision to bear. The removal of the VAT has to be done in whole pieces so to keep the material in a non-friable state. This means that it is not safe, grind, drill, saw, or to help eliminate it.

In most states, must be removed only by licensed asbestos asbestosAbatement contractors who are fully equipped and trained in the safe removal and disposal of such materials. They will usually come armed with plastic sheets to stop the particles move freely. VAT is usually also wet down the stairs, so that all particles from the air during the removal process to prevent it.

Safe removal of asbestos floor tile is a serious matter, and they are usually set in leak proof containers and clearly visible with a similar formulation"DANGER asbestos-containing materials"

Has been achieved after removal, the sealed containers and transported by the Contractor to an EPA approved landfill, where she is buried. There are formalities and administrative procedures necessary to record on the job at hand, and the competent authorities are provided with relevant documentation for the application after completion.

It is not recommended to try to remove the VAT itself, and there are probably penalties if youtry and found out. Moreover, should the waste product can be disposed of safely and can not simply be deposited with your local trash.

For more detailed information and procedures for the safe disposal of asbestos products, search online or contact your local authorities for a current fact sheet.

